Four Things You Should Know About Flood Insurance

An unexpected flooding situation can cause devastating losses for homeowners in Scranton, PA. Regardless of your home’s location, securing your property with flood insurance is a wise decision to ensure protection against damaging water invasions. Bartal Insurance is here to provide comprehensive insight and assist you in acquiring the proper coverage.

Why is flood insurance important?

The significance of flood insurance often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. Many homeowners falsely believe that flood coverage is superfluous if they aren’t located in a flood zone or if their property is fully paid off. Here are four crucial points that illustrate why securing a flood policy is of paramount importance:

  • Floods can occur anywhere it rains.
  • Flood protection is vital, even outside designated flood zones.
  • Flood insurance offers considerable value against potential losses.
  • An insurance agent is your best source for flood coverage information.

How can we help?

Before deciding, it’s vital to acquire in-depth knowledge about flood risks, recommended coverage amounts, and protective measures. Our experienced agents at Bartal Insurance can provide comprehensive information tailored to your specific circumstances, giving you peace of mind that you’re well-protected.

If you’re in the Scranton, PA area and are considering flood insurance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We offer quotes from multiple insurers, empowering you to choose the best-suited plan confidently. At Bartal Insurance, we’re always here to help you navigate your insurance needs.

What to do when a storm is forecast: tips to prepare your home

When a storm is forecast here in the Scranton, PA area, it’s important to be prepared and take the right steps to protect your home. Here are some tips from us at Bartal Insurance on what to do when bad weather is on the horizon: 

Tips to prepare your home

1. Make sure your gutters are clear and free of debris. Clogged gutters can cause water damage to your roof and foundation if they become overwhelmed during heavy rain or snowfall. 

2. Check windows and doors to make sure they are properly sealed. Replace any worn-out weatherstripping or caulk around windows and doors, as this will help keep rain from entering your home. 

3. Trim any trees or shrubs that could be in danger of falling over due to strong winds or heavy snowfall. 

4. Bring outdoor furniture and items inside or secure them with bungee cords so they don’t become airborne during high winds. 

5. Stock up on food, water, flashlights, batteries, candles, medications, and other necessary supplies in case you experience a power outage due to the stormy weather. 

6. Prepare an emergency plan for you and your family in case of severe weather; this should include how you would contact each other if separated, where designated meeting places are located in the event of an evacuation order, etc., so everyone knows what to do if worse comes to worst during a storm event. 

Consult With Us

By following these tips, you can help protect your home from the effects of severe storms and make sure you’re prepared when they arrive! For more tips or to explore a flood insurance policy, give us at Bartal Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the Scranton, PA area and would be happy to help.

How do I Know if I Need Flood Insurance?

It’s important to know if you are in need of flood insurance, as flooding events are not included in your standard homeowner’s insurance policy. You are not required by law in Scranton, PA to purchase flood insurance, but your lender will require it while you maintain a balance and especially if they are government-backed. 

How do I Know if I Need Flood Insurance? 

In Pennsylvania, the number of flood policies has increased 750% over the past five years with 12,800 properties covered, compared to just 1,500 at the start of this period. It’s also important to note that 40% of all claims from 2014 to 2018 came from homeowners whose properties were not located within high-risk areas. 

Climate change has been responsible for stronger storms that are depositing heavier rain in areas where the soil is not able to absorb it. Your Bartal Insurance representative can help you consult with the FEMA map to determine where your property falls on this resource. 

This will contain topographical data regarding where flooding has occurred and to what extent and frequency. In addition, statistical information will be updated every five years to accommodate changing information. 

People who live in areas where there are wet weather streams or roadside ditches or culverts that overflow dangerously near their homes or where the land does not perk particularly well can be at risk. Also of concern are houses situated close to rivers or creeks that can overflow their banks or people who live at the bottom of hills on city streets where water cannot be moved off the asphalt quickly enough. 

Bartal Insurance Company Can Help You

We specialize in providing our customers with the insurance products and services they need. We welcome you to contact us at Bartal Insurance Company to discuss the specifics of your situation. We serve those in and around Scranton, PA.